Korea University School of Media & Commuication Graduate School of Journalism & Mass Communication

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Media Hall

Media Hall

Media Hall is often dubbed the home of SMC. This 14-story building is the most accessible building on campus because it is only a three-minute walk from Anam subway station. Media Hall consists of a TV studio, theater, classrooms, seminar rooms, reading areas, and faculty and admin offices.

The most sought-after space in Media Hall is the Dongwon Lounge located on the first floor. This lounge provides a comfortable space for group discussions as well as a reading space for students, and contains tables equipped with laptop connections. Ari Café on the same floor serves drinks and snacks, thus allowing students to relax and recharge between classes.
The two underground floors of Media Hall have been remodeled recently to make room for a professional TV studio and the Media Creators Bunker (MCB).
KU Cinema Trap, which is located on the fourth floor, was originally designed as a theater showing independent art films. Several film festivals, such as the Latin American Film Festival, European Short Film Festival, and Migrant World Film Festival have been hosted at this location. It is currently used to conduct classes with a large number of students and events, such as the Online Journalism Award that is annually co-hosted by SMC.
Media Hall provides a generous amount of space for student activities. The building comprises a reading space, seminar rooms, creative and production space, break areas, and an office for the SMC student body.