Extension Request Guidelines for Thesis Submission Deadline for the 1st Semester of the Academic Year 2024 Graduate School

1. Application Criteria:

1) Extension of Thesis Submission Deadline (Special Cases): Individuals who have completed the master's or doctoral course at this graduate school and, due to unavoidable circumstances, have exceeded the thesis submission deadline (6 years for master's, 10 years for doctoral, and 12 years for integrated master's/doctoral programs) leading to their permanent completion or expected permanent completion.

2) Re-evaluation (6 months): Applicants who face thesis disqualification or receive revision requests from their advising professors during the final semester of the thesis submission deadline can apply for a 6-month extension.

Applicants in 1) and 2) above must receive approval from the Graduate School Committee.

2. Submission Documents:

- Documents for Deadline Extension Request:

1)Deadline Extension Request Form (Refer to the attached format)

2) Advising Professor's Opinion (No separate format required)

3) Supporting Documents (Attach at least 10 pages of thesis content)

4) Department Management Committee Meeting Minutes

- Re-evaluation Request Documents:

1)Re-evaluation Request Form (Refer to the attached format)

2)Advising Professor's Opinion (No separate format required)

3)Submission Period: December 1st (Friday) to December 22nd (Friday) 16:00 *Strict adherence to the deadline

4)Spring semester: early to mid-June, Fall semester: early to mid-December

5)Submission Location: Graduate School Administration Team, Media Department

3. Review:

- Applications submitted at the end of the semester (December) will be reviewed during the vacation period (end of January) for entry into the next semester (March 2024).

5. Important Notes (Applicable to Applicants for Thesis Submission Deadline Extension, No Re-evaluation Applicable):

- Those granted an extension by the Graduate School Committee must pass the thesis submission qualification examination. Even those who have previously passed the qualification exam must retake the comprehensive exam to be eligible for thesis submission.

- If the candidate had passed the foreign language exam during enrollment, it will be recognized.

- For doctoral candidates, the second foreign language exam will be applied in the same way as for enrolled doctoral candidates (applicable to integrated master's/doctoral programs as equivalent to doctoral programs).

- Candidates granted an extension by the Graduate School Committee must pay the prescribed tuition fee (12% of the course fee) each semester to take the qualification exam and submit the thesis.

(However, an additional re-entry fee will be imposed for the first semester of enrollment.)

- Requests for an extension of the thesis submission deadline can only be made and approved once. Within a total period of two semesters, including the approved semester, the candidate must submit and pass their master's or doctoral thesis.

- In the event that the advising professor, who was in place during the candidate's enrollment, retires, the candidate must change their advising professor to a currently employed faculty member.

November 2023

Graduate School Administrative Team