**Notice of Revised Application Period for Graduate School Scholarships**

Dear Graduate Students,

We would like to inform you that the application period for two scholarships offered by the Graduate School has been revised.

Please refer to the following links for more information:

1. [2024 Graduate School Research Scholarship Program (Junior Fellow Research Grant, Academic Research Society Support Program)](https://graduate.korea.ac.kr/community/notice_view.html?no=934&page=1) - Application Deadline: March 15th

2. [Graduate School Internationalization Scholarship Application Guide](https://graduate.korea.ac.kr/community/notice_view.html?no=935&page=1) - Application Deadline: March 15th

Please note that students enrolled in professional graduate schools participating in the BK21 program are also eligible to apply.

We encourage all eligible students to take advantage of this opportunity and submit their applications before the deadline.

Thank you for your attention.