We are conducting a survey to gather students' opinions on the reforms introduced for the second semester of the 2023 academic year, including the consolidation of the 75-minute timetable system and the introduction of the withdrawal policy.

Details -

A. Background and Significance

Conducting a satisfaction survey among students regarding the academic system reforms introduced to enhance student satisfaction. Gathering additional opinions to assess the direction of academic system reforms and enhance implementation.

Providing a student-centered perspective in formulating directions for future academic system reforms in response to changes in the educational environment. Building a feedback system and framework based on efficiency.

Obtaining insights into broad educational reform opinions gathered through surveys targeting students, aiming to attract and nurture outstanding future talents.

B. Expected Effects

Validating the justification of existing academic system reforms and gathering improvement suggestions.

Establishing grounds and momentum for future policy implementations.

Generating interest and participation from students and other members of the university community in institutional reforms.

C. Survey Period

From October 30, 2023 (Monday) to November 12, 2023 (Sunday) (2 weeks)

D. Survey Results Compilation and Internal Reporting

Scheduled for November 17, 2023

E. Survey Participants

Undergraduate students at the Seoul campus (Survey URL for students: https://forms.office.com/r/6X5S6rYatM)

Students who participate in the survey and provide their student ID and contact information will have a chance to receive a Starbucks gift card as a token of appreciation.