Korea University School of Media & Commuication Graduate School of Journalism & Mass Communication

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Created in 1965 as the first Department of Journalism and Broadcasting in Korea, SMC has been in the center of the development of Korean media.
In 2002, Department of Journalism and Broadcasting renamed itself to ‘Department of Journalism and Mass Communication’. In 2010, the department expanded to become the ‘School of Media and Communication’. In 2011, it opened the Media Hall, a cutting-edge media education center. Currently 18 full-time, 2 affiliated, and 2 visiting professors are working with approximately 600 students.
SMC has produced more than 3,000 graduates to date. Among them, more than 400 are professionals working in the field of media and more than 100 are college professors. The status of SMC is well reflected in the number of graduates working in the domestic media industry outnumbering any other universities in the nation. Probably the most well-known alumnus is Tae-ho Kim, class of 94, who is the director of nation’s number one television show for 13 years, ‘Infinite Challenge.’ SMC consists of diverse learning societies as well as clubs where students can build strong relationships with each other. The student-oriented communities enable students to seek advice from seniors and alumni who have already started and built their careers.
SMC is innovative and flexible, adapting to changes within the media ecosystem. In the same vein, it strives to strengthen ties with the media and communication industry.